March 28, 2025

Unified Namespace Simplified 

a Unified Namespace is designed to break down data silos, promote interoperability, and provide a standardised yet flexible framework for data management across an organisation, enabling more effective and efficient decision-making and operations.

  1. Data Abstraction and Normalization: A UNS abstracts data from various sources (like PLCs, sensors, ERP systems) and normalizes it into a consistent format. This process ensures that data from different systems and devices can be integrated and used interchangeably.
  2. Interoperability: One of the fundamental goals of a UNS is to enable different systems, devices, and applications to communicate and interact seamlessly. This interoperability is achieved through standard data models and communication protocols.
  3. Real-Time Data Access: A UNS provides real-time (or near-real-time) access to data across the organization. This immediacy is crucial for timely decision-making, especially in dynamic industrial environments.
  4. Scalability: As organizations grow and technologies evolve, the UNS must be able to scale accordingly. This means being able to handle an increasing number of data sources, larger volumes of data, and more complex data types without performance degradation.
  5. Security and Data Governance: Given the wide range of data integrated into a UNS, maintaining data security and proper governance is paramount. This includes managing access controls, ensuring data privacy, and complying with relevant regulations.
  6. Semantic Consistency: The UNS should maintain semantic consistency across the organization. This means that data definitions, metrics, and KPIs are standardized, so everyone in the organization is interpreting the data in the same way.
  7. Flexibility and Adaptability: While standardization is key, the UNS should also be flexible enough to accommodate different types of data and adapt to new technologies or changes in business processes.
  8. Decentralization: A UNS often promotes a decentralized approach to data management, where data is accessible from multiple points rather than being siloed in specific departments or systems.

    To effectively implement a Unified Namespace in the context of Industry 4.0, certain technical requirements are essential:

    1. Edge Driven: The system should be capable of processing and managing data at the edge of the network, near the data sources (like sensors and machines). This reduces latency, enables faster decision-making, and reduces the load on central servers. Edge computing is crucial in I4.0 for real-time monitoring and control.
    2. Report by Exception: This approach involves systems sending updates only when there’s a deviation from the norm or an exceptional event occurs. It significantly reduces network traffic and processing load, as routine, unchanging data is not constantly sent. This is particularly important in large-scale industrial environments where constant data transmission could be overwhelming and unnecessary.
    3. Lightweight: The technology used should be lightweight, meaning it requires minimal resources (like computational power and memory). This is important for scalability and ensures that the system can be deployed even in environments with limited resources. Lightweight protocols and software are essential for the integration of various devices and systems in I4.0.
    4. Open Technology: Employing open standards and technologies ensures compatibility and interoperability between different systems and devices. This is vital in a UNS, as it involves integrating various data sources and systems from different vendors. Open technology facilitates easier integration, scalability, and future-proofing of the system.

    Additional Requirements:

    1. Scalability: The system must be able to scale up or down easily to accommodate the varying size and complexity of industrial operations.
    2. Security: Given the interconnected nature of UNS, robust security measures are essential to protect against cyber threats.
    3. Real-time Data Processing: The capability to process and analyze data in real-time is crucial for timely decision-making and operational efficiency.
    4. Data Standardization: Data from different sources should be standardized to ensure uniformity, making it easier to aggregate, analyze, and use.
    5. Integration Capabilities: Seamless integration with existing systems (like ERP, MES) and new IoT devices is key for a comprehensive UNS.
    6. Flexibility and Adaptability: The system should be flexible enough to adapt to changing industrial needs and technologies.

    How Unified Namespace Helps Cover the Principles of I4.0:

    • Interconnectivity: UNS fosters seamless communication between machines, systems, and humans.
    • Information Transparency: By aggregating data from various sources, UNS provides a comprehensive view of operations, enhancing transparency.
    • Technical Assistance: UNS enables better decision-making by providing real-time data and insights.
    • Decentralized Decisions: Edge-driven architecture in UNS allows for decentralized decision-making, which is a core principle of I4.0.

    In summary, a Unified Namespace in Industry 4.0 requires a blend of edge computing, exception-based reporting, lightweight and open technologies, along with scalability, security, and integration capabilities to effectively cover the principles of I4.0 and enhance industrial operations.

An organization’s tools, parts, and equipment are identified and named using a unified namespace, which is a defined method. It aids in ensuring that every piece of equipment has distinctive and constant identifiers that may be used to manage and track these objects. Based on the event-driven architecture it enables smooth communication between network nodes. It is based on the idea that all data should be released and made accessible for use, regardless of whether an immediate consumer exists. This implies that depending on the requirements of the system at any given moment, each node in the network may function as either a producer or a consumer.

All components should be able to interact via IIoT protocols like MQTT, point to a central data store that contains your hierarchical enterprise structure, and broadcast their events under a category where it makes sense for that data to dwell. Components that aren’t IIoT compliant are hidden behind an IIoT gateway, which on their behalf broadcasts data to the right categories. When more participants join the network, everyone can access its location information.

A naming convention, which establishes the structure and format of the names provided to entities inside the organisation, is frequently used in conjunction with unified namespace systems. This naming standard may incorporate information about the item’s type, location, and other pertinent properties.


1. Report by exception

2. Edge driven

3. Open Architecture


Unified Namespace vs. Conventional Industrial Architecture

The majority of current industrial systems mimic conventional pyramidal network and system architecture (the ISA 95 functional model). 
The technological stack used in this architectural strategy places enterprise/cloud components at the top and factory-floor components at the bottom. 
Each layer in this stack is connected to the layers above and below it, and only those layers are communicated with. 
As result, point-to-point connections are used to transport data up or down single layer at time.

Unified Namespace Advantages

Simplified Integration
By merely plugging data producers and consumers into your network architecture, you may integrate them into your data ecosystem.

Lower Integration Cost
To connect data at every layer of your organisation, no specific engineering services are needed.

Enhanced Agility
Your capacity to test, respond rapidly, plan, and deliver in a predictable manner is improved by having real-time access to the condition of your whole company at any given moment.

The communication between data producers and consumers takes place through a centralized location, allowing for the seamless connection of up to millions of nodes.


OT Systems ,Sensors,PLC,HMI,Scada,ERP, CMMS, and API integration can be made easier by an unified namespace.
All aspects of an organisation, including product planning, development, manufacturing, sales, and marketing, are often integrated by ERP software. ERP’s main goal is to consolidate all information into a single location in order to improve data quality throughout the enterprise. Decision-making and effectiveness may be enhanced as a result.

Enterprise resource planning systems (ERPs) do not, however, provide all the functionality and reporting benefits maintenance departments require. Real-time data on the shop floor and in the corporate office can be accessed and used by a CMMS.

The systems can communicate and exchange data more quickly without worrying about naming convention discrepancies thanks to the creation of a common namespace across departments.

Building Unified Namespace 

Also refer


Open-Source Docker Container for Seamless OPC-UA Integration with Unified Namespace (MQTT / Kafka)

Explore the open-source Docker container for seamless OPC-UA integration with the Unified Namespace (MQTT/Kafka). Learn about the container’s features, usage, and our journey in developing this solution.

How to use

The benthos-umh image can be used in standalone mode, together with the United Manufacturing Hub, or in advanced mode. The only requirement is that you need to be able to deploy Docker containers.

Standalone (“docker run” & MQTT)

To connect to the OPC-UA broker, read out nodes and send them to MQTT, follow these instructions:

Create a new file called benthos.yaml with the provided content

    endpoint: 'opc.tcp://localhost:46010'
    nodeIDs: ['ns=2;s=IoTSensors']

    - bloblang: |
        root = {
          meta("opcua_path"): this,
          "timestamp_unix": timestamp_unix()

      - 'localhost:1883'
    topic: 'ia/raw/opcuasimulator/${! meta("opcua_path") }'
    client_id: 'benthos-umh'

Execute the docker run command to start a new benthos-umh container

docker run --rm --network="host" -v '<absolute path to your file>/benthos.yaml:/benthos.yaml'

The benthos.yaml file can be customized depending on your needs. More information can be found in the official benthos documentation.

With the United Manufacturing Hub (Kubernetes & Kafka)

To use the Benthos-UMH image with the United Manufacturing Hub and its OPC-UA simulator, simply deploy the provided Kubernetes manifests in UMHLens/OpenLens: (if you are unsure how, check out this tutorial):

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: benthos-1-config
  namespace: united-manufacturing-hub
    app: benthos-1
  benthos.yaml: |-
      umh_input_opcuasimulator: {}
        - bloblang: |
            root = {
              meta("opcua_path"): this,
              "timestamp_unix": timestamp_unix()
        topic: 'ia.raw.${! meta("opcua_path") }'
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: benthos-1-deployment
  namespace: united-manufacturing-hub
    app: benthos-1
  replicas: 1
      app: benthos-1
        app: benthos-1
        - name: benthos-1
          image: ""
          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            - name: http
              containerPort: 4195
              protocol: TCP
              path: /ping
              port: http
              path: /ready
              port: http
            - name: config
              mountPath: "/benthos.yaml"
              subPath: "benthos.yaml"
              readOnly: true
        - name: config
            name: benthos-1-config

This includes some of our recommended templates such as umh_input_opcuasimulator or umh_output, which abstracts some of the more complex settings. More information can be found on GitHub.

Summary and Next Steps

the benthos team’s goal is to provide IT and OT engineers with a reliable and efficient solution that can be trusted for their production processes and infrastructure management. By using the benthos-umh container and the United Manufacturing Hub in general, engineers can enhance their integration of IT and OT tools while avoiding vendor lock-in and streamlining their data management processes.

In the weeks and months ahead, the benthos teamplan to enhance their OPC-UA plugin for benthos with the following improvements:

  • Exposing more OPC-UA settings from the library (e.g., certificates)
  • Adding a customizable poll interval (currently fixed at 1 second)
  • Switching from the current “polling” to a “subscribe” data extraction method, which fits better into the overall Pub/Sub pattern of the Unified Namespace
  • Test it on more OPC-UA servers (this is also where you can come in)

Furthermore, the benthos team is planning to do this with other manufacturing protocols such as Siemens S7, Modbus and many more as well.

By offering the solution as open-source, the benthos team aim to address any skepticism that may arise from evaluating other providers before developing their own product. The benthos team ultimate goal is to merge their  plugin into the main benthos project, further solidifying its position as a reliable and efficient solution.

Feel free to provide the team feedback on our LinkedIn post or in their Discord channel. And make sure to start the benthos-umh project on GitHub.

If you haven’t worked with the United Manufacturing Hub before but would like to give it a try, setting it up now only takes a matter of minutes.


Functional Architecture of a Unified Namespace for Industry 4.0

In the context of Industry 4.0, constructing an efficient Unified Namespace (UNS) is crucial for facilitating seamless data flow and enabling smart decision-making across an organization. This architecture is built upon functional components that collectively offer a comprehensive solution for real-time data management and analysis. Here’s an outline focusing on the functionalities of each component in the system.

Edge-Level Data Handling

  1. Scalable MQTT Broker: Central to the architecture, this component manages real-time communications and data flow from IoT devices, employing a protocol designed for lightweight messaging.
  2. Data Processing and Translation Tool: This tool is instrumental in processing and transforming data collected at the edge. It harmonizes disparate data formats and protocols, preparing data for further processing and analytics.
  3. Industrial Connectivity Module: Essential for integrating with a variety of industrial devices, this module gathers operational data directly from machinery and equipment, interfacing with several industrial communication protocols.

Cloud-Based Data Integration and Analytics

  1. Cloud Gateway for IoT: Facilitates the transfer of data from edge devices to the cloud, ensuring efficient and secure device-to-cloud communication, along with robust device management capabilities.
  2. Centralized Data Storage: Acts as a repository for aggregating data from multiple sources. It’s scalable and secure, suitable for handling vast amounts of data generated in industrial settings.
  3. Advanced Data Analytics Engine: This engine performs near real-time analytics on the aggregated data, providing insights and enabling predictive analytics. It incorporates AI and machine learning capabilities for deeper data analysis.
  4. System Integration Platforms: These platforms are responsible for integrating various systems and managing real-time data streams. They enhance the system’s capability to handle continuous and complex data flows.
  5. API Management Layer: Ensures that data is accessible in real-time to business applications and ERP systems. It manages APIs for seamless data exchange across the enterprise.

Enhanced Data Contextualization

  1. Data Contextualization Service: This service enriches raw data with context, transforming it into actionable insights. It standardizes data across the organization, ensuring consistency and interpretability.

Architectural Benefits

  • Efficient Real-Time Processing: The architecture guarantees the swift processing and analysis of data, aligning with the rapid decision-making needs of Industry 4.0.
  • Scalability and Adaptability: The combination of these functional components offers a scalable and flexible solution, adaptable to evolving operational needs.
  • Unified Data View: The system ensures a unified and holistic view of data across the organization, facilitating informed decision-making and operational efficiency.
  • Context-Enriched Data Analysis: The inclusion of a data contextualization service ensures that data within the UNS is not just unified but enriched, adding significant value for analytics and operational insight.


This functional architecture of a Unified Namespace is designed to cater to the complexities and demands of Industry 4.0, ensuring seamless integration, real-time data processing, and advanced analytics. By providing a unified, intelligent platform, it enables efficient data-driven strategies and paves the way for enhanced operational excellence across the organization.



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